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Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha Ob­serves Black Tur­ban Protest at Takht Patna Sa­heb

Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha Ob­serves Black Tur­ban Protest at Takht Patna Sa­heb

In the morn­ing hours to­day,  the Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha, un­der the lead­er­ship of Pres­i­dent Cha­ran­jeet Singh, held a solemn prayer meet at Takht Ha­ri­mandir Ji Patna Sahib to ob­serve the 40th an­niver­sary of the at­tack on Sri Akal Takht Sahib by the In­dian Con­gress gov­ern­ment in June 1984, rec­og­nized as the ‘Third Ghal­lughara’. WSN re­ports from Patna Sahib.

In ac­cor­dance with the di­rec­tive is­sued by Jathedar Akal Takht Sahib Gi­ani Ragh­bir Singh and Pink Pyaras, Sikh San­gat Patna has de­cided to be part of the mar­tyr­dom com­mem­o­ra­tion.

Men and women, wear­ing black tur­bans and black Du­pat­tas, the Sikh San­gat, in­clud­ing Tarna Dal Ni­hang Jatha also par­tic­i­pated in the Ar­das and re­mem­brance at Takht Patna Sa­heb.

Ni­hang chief Iqbaljit Singh said, “We will never for­get 1984. We are proud of the brav­ery of the Sikhs who fought the In­dian Army. We pay homage to mar­tyrs.”

Dur­ing to­day’s gath­er­ing, Pres­i­dent Cha­ran­jeet Singh stated, “We will al­ways re­mem­ber the mar­tyr­dom of the June 1984 cat­a­stro­phe at Dar­bar Sahib and Akal Takht. It is our duty to ho­n­our their sac­ri­fice and con­tinue to fight for jus­tice.”

The Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha called upon all Sikhs to en­sure that the sac­ri­fices of our mar­tyrs are never for­got­ten and that the call for jus­tice res­onates world­wide.

Source: WSN

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