
After a video went viral and caused uproar in Punjab, a teacher apologised for attacking a Sikh kid.

Chandigarh: A video showing a Sikh student being assaulted by a female teacher at a private school in Punjab’s Hoshiarpur has gone viral, sparking widespread outrage. The incident occurred in Baddon village, where the teacher slapped the student, Amandeep Singh, multiple times, pulled his hair, and knocked him to the ground during class. The video, which shows the teacher slapping the student…
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In a first, Punjabi couple registers marriage in Kerala

“There is a six-month gap before their wedding in traditional Punjabi style. So, the family decided to register their marriage in Kerala so that my daughter could apply for the ‘spouse visa,” said Surender Singh. KOCHI: The pomp and splendour of the usual Punjabi wedding was missing for sure, but Mantej Singh, 29, and Inderpreet Kaur, 28, were the centre of attention at the…
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CM Mann Greets People on Parkash Purab of Sri Guru Gobind Singh, Pays Obeisance at Gurdwara Bhatha Sahib

Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Singh Mann on Monday renewed his pledge to serve the state with renewed vigor, passion, dedication and commitment while following the footsteps of Dashmesh Pitaah Sri Guru Gobind Singh. The Chief Minister, who paid obeisance at Gurudwara Bhatha Sahib, greeted people on the sacred occasion of Parkash Purb of Tenth Sikh Master Sri Guru Gobind Singh ji. He said that the…
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PunjabTop News

Sikh factions rally behind Badal shooter, demand title for him

MRITSAR: Panthic organisations, not aligned with Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD), have rallied to oppose the demand for excommunicating Narain Singh Chaura, who tried to assassinate SAD president hiromani Akali Dal on December 4 at the Golden Temple. The Panthic factions met here on Wednesday to discuss Sikh sentiments, political situation in Punjab, and the honour and dignity of religious places. The…
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IndiaPunjabTop News

Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha Ob­serves Black Tur­ban Protest at Takht Patna Sa­heb

In the morn­ing hours to­day,  the Patna Sa­heb Panth Se­wak Jatha, un­der the lead­er­ship of Pres­i­dent Cha­ran­jeet Singh, held a solemn prayer meet at Takht Ha­ri­mandir Ji Patna Sahib to ob­serve the 40th an­niver­sary of the at­tack on Sri Akal Takht Sahib by the In­dian Con­gress gov­ern­ment in June 1984, rec­og­nized as the ‘Third Ghal­lughara’. WSN re­ports…
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Talk­ing Drugs: Most of What You Know About Ad­dic­tion is Wrong

The US tele­vi­sion se­ries, “The Wire,” is a thinly-veiled doc­u­men­ta­tion of Bal­ti­more City’s in­sti­tu­tional prob­lems, of which drugs avail­able at al­most every cor­ner is an in­her­ent part. It is now of­ten cited as one of the great­est shows in the his­tory of tele­vi­sion. Its fans in­clude Barack Obama and Ed­ward Snow­den. And ref­er­ences to the…
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